Name: Becky Carney
District: 102 (Mecklenburg)
In office since: 2003
Key Committees: Banking, Education – Universities, Energy and Public Utilities, Ethics, Finance, Health, Redistricting, Transportation
Prior occupation: County Commissioner
FEATURED BILL: Women’s Cancer Research & Prevention Task Force
According to the UNC Center for Women’s Health Research 2020 North Carolina Women’s Health Report Card, cancer, more than any other cause, accounts for 20% of women’s annual deaths and breast cancer alone accounts for 3%. The report also found that minority women are 25% more likely to die of breast cancer than Non-Hispanic white women and twice as likely to die of cervical or uterine cancer.
To combat this, Rep. Carney is a primary sponsor of HB 800, which would create a task force on Women’s Cancer Research and Prevention. The group would consist of a range of cancer experts, from oncologists to survivors, who would be tasked with adopting and promoting a statewide comprehensive Women’s Cancer Prevention Plan.
The task force would also work to identify and target the subpopulations at higher risk for developing cancer.
With women’s health on the line, we must continue to elect women like Rep. Carney who will champion these issues.