Name: Julie Mayfield
District: 49 (Buncombe)
In office since: 2021
Key Committees: Appropriations – Agriculture, Natural, & Economic Resources; State & Local Government; Transportation
Previous career: Environmental lawyer
In 2017, the horrendous anti-transgender bill H.B. 2 was partially repealed and replaced with H.B. 142. While portions of the latter law have since been further repealed, the law remains on the books, including a provision giving the General Assembly the sole authority to pass any future regulations related to government-owned bathrooms.
That’s why Sen. Mayfield, along with her colleagues Sens. Murdock and Nickel, and Reps. Meyer, Morey, Butler, and John introduced the Full Repeal of HB2 this March.
The bill would mean a full and clean repeal of H.B. 142, getting the discriminatory law off of the books.
LGBTQ individuals in North Carolina deserve to live their lives with dignity and equality. It’s beyond time to fully repeal the remnants of H.B. 2.