Name: Linda Cooper-Suggs
District: 24 (Wilson)
In office since: 2020
Key Committees: Appropriations, Appropriations (Health & Human Services); Families, Children, & Aging Policy; Health; Redistricting
Past job: Teacher
By 2025, more than 200,000 North Carolina seniors are projected to have Alzheimer’s disease. Much of the care for these individuals will be provided by unpaid family caregivers, who face tremendous financial, physical, emotional, and social challenges in their care.
That’s why Rep. Cooper-Suggs, along with her colleague Rep. von Haefen introduced the Expand Project C.A.R.E/Funds bill in May.
The bill would allocate more than half a million dollars to the Department of Aging and Adult Services to expand Project C.A.R.E. (Caregiver Alternatives to Running on Empty). Project CARE provides care consultation services to unpaid caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementia diagnoses.
Given that women make up a majority (60%) of unpaid family caregivers, this bill will help many women receive desperately needed support for themselves and their loved ones.