Name: Natasha Marcus
District: 41 (Mecklenburg)
In office since: 2019
Key Committees: Agriculture, Natural, & Economic Resources; Base Budget; Judiciary; Redistricting & Elections
Previous career: Attorney
North Carolina ranks 32nd in the nation for women’s pay, meaning the median earnings for women trail that of men by about $9,000 a year.
In order to address this disparity, Sen. Marcus introduced the Equal Pay Act this April along with her colleagues Sens. deViere and Salvador. The bill would require comparable work to be compensated equally, banning gender-based discrimination in wages, salaries, and benefits.
The Act would also prohibit employers from seeking or screening job applicants based on salary history, and ban companies from prohibiting their employees from discussing their wages.
It’s critical legislation that would have an enormous impact in North Carolina. Closing the gender wage gap not only helps women, it helps children, families, businesses, and the economy.